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Birthday Reading & Yearly Forecast


Birthdays are an exciting celebration of self and a distinctively intimate time that welcomes individual reflection on the previous year as well as excitement for the year ahead!


During this celebratory session Velva Dawn intuitively tunes in to your divine, natal ray of origin along with the goddesses wishing to work with you in the upcoming year.


Through Velva Dawn’s masterful assistance, you will be circumnavigated through a comprehensive reading and live channeled meditation designed to prepare you for your most successful and abundant year yet! Velva Dawn will assist you in identifying, graciously acknowledging, and releasing energies that are ready to pass from your life and take the opportunity to harness the limitless and bountiful frequencies accessible on the anniversary of your birth.


You will receive messages significant to any area you wish to seek transparency including career, relationships, spiritual development and more. You will learn who your Goddess of the Year is and which crystals, meditations, affirmations, and healing elixirs to be most beneficial for your continued support and expansion.


You will emerge from your session with a point of centre that is balanced within total neutrality, subsequently resulting in an expansive, freshly aligned energy. You will feel ready to welcome your next chapter with an outlook replete with clarity and ready to amplify all your intentions over the next 12 months.


All appointments are over Zoom audio unless specified otherwise. Upon receipt of your purchase, please contact Velva Dawn at to schedule your session.


$333.00 GST included

Birthday Reading & Yearly Forecast

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