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Open the Keys of Awakening with this 60 minute session.


Encoded and infused with the beautiful Goddess Energies, a reading with Velva Dawn will provide clarity and guidance around specific situations, relieve anxiety and stressors, and help you to see outside of situations and frequencies you may feel stuck in.


You will feel an influx of energetic flow as you receive insight into current energy within and around you, a new awareness of previously unrealized possibilities, and guidance on how to utilize and maintain the Goddess Energies that come through during your session.


Let the cards illuminate your path and schedule a one-on-one reading with Velva Dawn today!

Sessions are 90 minutes. Upon receipt of your purchase, please contact Velva Dawn at to schedule your session. For Goddess Healing Matrix© alumni,

please reach out to Velva Dawn directly to arrange an e-transfer at the discounted pricing.

$222.00 (GST Included)

60 Minute Reading

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